Tell Us about Your Story

By Lee Min-young, Tribune Reporter

It is not so surprising to meet foreign students at CNU as there are already many enrolled in various programs and majors. How much do you know about them? If you do not know much about them, it could be because of few chances to hear about their stories. As the new President alters the international exchange out-bound policy to an in-bound policy, the number of foreign students will increase. As the result, it will be more important to harmonize Korean and foreign students. Let us take some time and meet some international students!

Moderator: Many Korean students are curious to know about foreign student’s life. First of all, did you have anything you would like to do when you first came to Korea?
Aschariya: I wanted to go to as many places as possible while I am staying here. I have already traveled to Mokpo, Busan and Yongpyong skiing ground with my friends. Out of the memories I have experienced, I think skiing in Yongpyong was the most impressive because I can neither go skiing nor experience snow in my country. So, I enjoyed skiing and so much snow for the first time in my life.
Donang: I have a great interest in Korean pop music, particularly Rain’s songs and his dance performance. I wanted to learn how to dance like him when I first came to Korea. Now I am learning how to dance in a dance club with Tassika regularly. It will not be easy but I want to dance like Rain someday. I am having a great time there and I love it!

Moderator: Have you ever felt uncomfortable because of cultural differences from your home country?
Donang: When we talk about cultural differences, food culture cannot be excluded as a main topic. At the first, I could not eat anything spicy like Kimchi or Tteokbokki but now I like spicy foods very much. What I like most is Haejang soup and Samkyupsal. But it is still hard to try Soondae or chitterlings because they look like snakes.
Tassika: Using chopsticks instead of a fork was really difficult. I needed to practice a lot to use them. Now using chopsticks is more comfortable than a fork! I must say that the biggest cultural difference to me is Koreans’ drinking habit. Thais drink only on special days like a birthday and generally adults who are over thirty years old drink alcohol. If university students drink, people think badly of them. But I heard Koreans often drink for promoting friendly relationships. Even if we go on MT in Thailand, we enjoy playing sports or singing together to promote our friendship. Of course we do not drink at all. As you know, in Korea, students drink too much all night long. It was so tough for me to get accustomed to.

Moderator: While living in Korea, have you ever experienced an unpleasant time or been inconvenienced from Koreans?
Guodong: Most Koreans are kind and nice but I have met some immoral Koreans. One day, I took a taxi to go back to my dormitory after shopping at the department store. The taxi driver kept saying bad things about China and Chinese. I could not stand his rude manners. I think people should cast away prejudice.
Aschariya: When I am talking with my Thai friend in our language, Korean students stare at us and whisper to each other. I felt uncomfortable so I could not talk with mind at ease. I hope Korean students care for foreign students. And compared with Thailand, there are smokers in most places. During or after smoking, they spit on the street carelessly. I think they do not take into consideration other people’s health or surroundings. It gives non-smokers, including me, a negative image of Korean social habits.

Moderator: Next I would like to know about your school life. I think although you have learned Korean at the Language Education Center for over a year, it would still be hard for you to understand classes entirely.
Tassika: I understand about fifty to sixty percent of the class. In case of a major class, it is hard to participate in the class even though I prepare for and review the lessons. Especially when I have a presentation in Korean, previous to the presentation I write an announcement by myself and ask my Korean friends or teachers to correct the errors.
Aschariya: In case of liberal arts classes, my choices are limited only to the classes operated by foreign language departments. Other classes require basic background knowledge and understanding of Korean phrases. Later when I am good at Korean, I want to try other liberal arts classes.
Donang: Even though we are in a disadvantageous position compared to Korean students, we are evaluated the same as them. I had lots of parts that I missed during the class and I cannot help passing without understanding the class because there was no one to help me. As the result, my grade was not that good. I wish I had someone to help me study. I am practicing to improve my Korean, especially listening and speaking by watching Korean dramas, listening to Korean songs, talking with Korean friends often, and going to singing rooms. I try to use my Korean speaking ability in my real life.

Moderator: How is your relationship with Korean friends?
Tassika: All the classmates come up to me first and they treat me compassionately. I think they do not feel constrained with foreign students
Donang: I agree with Tassika. Maybe we can speak in Korean and have similar looks, but they do not felt differently compared to us.

Moderator: Everyone seems to have no difficulty with Korean friends. Then how about having a Korean boyfriend or girlfriend?
Aschariya: Before I came to Korea, I thought all Korean men are handsome as Bae Yong-joon and I wished I had a boyfriend like him. But not much later, I realized that it was all my fantasy. It is not hard to have a Korean boyfriend but all the handsome guys already have girlfriends.
Guodong: Dating a Korean girlfriend would be nice. She could teach me Korean and Korean culture. But it would be not easier than having a girlfriend of the same country because of cultural differences.

Moderator: At last, do you have anything you want to say to your fellow CNU students?
Aschariya: I think I am lucky to study at this beautiful campus with pretty and handsome friends. I want to spend a great time with my tenderhearted friends.
Tassika: I hope fellow students could do well in their school life, both in classes and socially, not lean to only one side and hobnob with many friends including foreign students.

Moderator: Lee Min-young (Tribune Reporter)
Participants: Nop Sophea Donang (Freshman, Dept. of Business Administration, Cambodia)
Tassika Jangwiboon (Freshman , Dept. of Visual Design, Thailand)
Aschariya Methapiwattana (Freshman, School of Communication, Thailand)
Zhao Guodong (Freshman, School of Business Administration, China)

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