Liu Ruo-Fan, Exchange Student, Dept. of Korean Language and Literature, Republic of China
Liu Ruo-Fan, Exchange Student, Dept. of Korean Language and Literature, Republic of China

    On April 24, the Personal Information Protection Commission of South Korea announced that the government will implement a pilot project for children’s digital right to be forgotten to help young people remove their digital trace data and protect their right to be forgotten. Anyone under the age of 24 will be able to request exclusion from access to self-postings more easily in the future, thanks to the service for right to be forgotten. This project also aims to tighten control over personal information of digital generation of children and adolescents. I think that the proposition and starting point of the project are both great. With today's technology, practicing it is a challenge. When young people, for example, want to delete a post about themselves, how do they verify that the post is referring to themselves, and who will be the judge?
    This pilot project focuses on support for self-posts made by oneself, but it should be also directed toward measures for unlawful filming and postings of illegal transfer of personal information made by other parties through consultations with experts. Damaging recordings of young people should be removed, but posts that are not harmful might cause a clash with press freedom. In the Republic of China, Taiwan, the National Communications Commission aims to adopt a comparable digital act service named "Digital Intermediary Service Act" released on August 18, 2022. Experts, non-governmental groups, and information storage service providers attended the third public explanatory meeting. The conference resulted in online platform service providers feeling the regulation may hinder free expression. After the news spread, it sparked a lot of debates and discussions, as well as concerns about the impact on freedom of speech.
    Ultimately, different interpretations can be given depending on time and/or place, making this project situational or context dependent. Practicing certain social conduct might help each individual become more accountable for their own conduct. However, if such a plan for the digital right to be forgotten is truly implemented, it could severely disrupt the current system.


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