Goytom Afera (Ph. D. Student, Law School, Ethiopia)

Goytom hanging out with other Ethiopians
Goytom hanging out with other Ethiopians

Q: What are the things you were surprised about in Korea?

A: To be honest, I was expecting Koreans to be a little bit racist as it is a homogeneous society. But on the contrary, I found that the social manners of Koreans are astonishing. Everyone just minds their own business and I love it. It is much more peaceful than I expected. The infrastructure and technology are wonderful and are continuously upgraded.

Q: Where was the most impressive place you visited in Korea?

A: I was honored to visit the May 18th National Cemetery. I used to hear a lot about the stories of CNU students and progessors who paid their life for the betterment of their countrymen. Seeing documentary photos and videos there made me fee their struggle for democracy vividly. I come from the country where democracy and the accountability of the govemment are least practiced. I am glad that thanks to the sacrifice of its heroes, South korea's democratic rules stand on a solid foundation. I will always remember those heroesof democracy and freedom, and tell their golden stories to my people. 

Q: What is your favorite social activity?

A: There are some social gatherings for Ethiopians at CNU. We make Ethiopian food together and we eat together from the same plate.

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