광주학생독립운동 83주년 기념 indi1929 바른길 학술포럼

Students Activism Forum at CNU
By Rigoberto Banta Jr. Head Student Editor
CNU students presenting in the forum.
    The Department of Political Science and Diplomacy of the College of Social Sciences held a forum in commemoration of the 83rd anniversary of the Gwangju Student Independence Movement. This event is in line with the 60th anniversary as well of the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy. The forum entitled “The Right Way” was held in the College of Social Sciences last October 6th, 2012. This is the fifth time that the event was held where the discussions focused on the democratic value of the events held by young people and students in the 21st century. Kim Jae-gi (Professor, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy) notes how democratic events are supposed to be seen in a global scope where the uprisings in Gwangju serve symbolical for the Korean paradigm. The presenters to the forum are all students from Chonnam National University (CNU) and all of which presented different political and philosophical approaches to student activism.
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