Nowadays, the media is making noise about bullying in middle and high schools which could lead to students committing suicide. Bullying, a kind of violence, is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force against others. Bullying is not just composed of visible violence such as physical assault, but also invisible violence such as verbal abuse, which is a bigger problem than physical pain. Violence is not only found in schools, but also universities, workplaces and even homes. What do you think of violence? Do you think visible and physical attacks are the only forms of violence? Have you ever thought that we are living in a violent society? Let’s talk about what violence is. We need to focus on the more pressing problem, socially acceptable violence.
Children are regularly beaten by their parents under the cloak of education and discipline, especially in Korea. Middle or high school students keep their silence about bullying in their classes. They neither participate in the violence nor cover up for victims of bullying. They are silent and passive about the rule in classes. Also, teachers or parents can make abusive comments to children in schools and at home either sincerely or as a joke, for instance, “You cannot go to a good university with such grades.” or “Whatever would he be good for?” When students enter society after graduation, the young men still are surrounded by socially acceptable violence. It can take many forms. People might not even be aware that some of their daily behavior and remarks can be violent whether it seems serious or not.
Violence As Usual
A survey conducted by Albacheonguk, a famous Korean staffing agency, indicated that almost 70 percent of the 2,164 respondents said that they felt like an outcast in their workplace. Yu Soe-jung (Junior, Dept of English Language and Literature) said, “I am working at a restaurant downtown. From the moment I joined the restaurant, I was an outcast. Nobody wants to teach me what I should do, and nobody wants to get into touch with me.” Likewise, the survey said even delicate violence is widespread in the workplace. The most socially acceptable violence in workplaces is that seniors ignore new recruits in group of employees. Workers also said managers and visitors couldn’t care less about getting angry and giving verbal abuse to workers.
A similar situation can be observed in universities. As you know, there are isolated people called ‘outsiders’ in departments and their friends groups. It can be seen as an implicit consent to act in that way.  Kim A-ra (Senior, Dept of Sociology) said, “I was a victim of a false rumor. I was in despair when I came to know that I was an outcast. From that time I did not participate in any activities of the department. Nobody called me, and I also did not want to hang out with them, too.” People are worried about others talking behind their back who could spread false rumors. Sometimes these rumors can ruin someone’s life. If you give somebody a nickname with a terrible meaning or talk dirty to someone using sexual innuendos, it is obviously socially acceptable violence. Park Ju-mi (Sophomore, Dept of Bioscience) said, “My nickname has a bad and sexual meaning. So I do not like it, but everybody regularly says it. I am tired of keeping them from using the nickname.” Socially acceptable violence is not just in friendship circles. Furthermore, there lies underreported violence in the relationships with professors and seniors, for instance, sexual harassment, stolen homework or papers, even text messages. Jang Tae-hyung (Sophomore, Dept of German Language and Literature) said, “When some seniors send text messages suggesting to go to a party or participate in some activities, I feel stressed because of pressure.”
Strict Rules for Violence Prevention Are Needed
Ignoring someone, talking behind one’s back, sending some stressful text messages, giving people nasty nicknames, spreading false rumors, stealing some trifling details are not visible violence, so people easily pass these forms of violence in the law, in the society and in their mind. Nowadays, the public is used to overlooking the seriousness of violence which prevails our society. The tiny and invisible violence can result visible violence and bring out some bad results to the victims. In effect, so many victims of violence are troubled with trauma. However, the law leans too much towards controlling the attackers, not protecting and caring for the victims. Members of the public should also be sensitive about all sorts of violence and put themselves in the shoes of the other person, especially the victims. It is time to no longer put up with socially acceptable violence. The violence can result in fisticuffs, murder, committing suicide even worse breaking out wars. If your words or behaviors hurt someone even if they are just a joke, it is no longer a silly joke but violence. Violence is not always serious before problems come up. It is easy to overlook the danger of acceptable violence in our life, but we should remember this point, nobody knows when it becomes a problem.
By Lee Ji-song, Student Editor

[Special Report]

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