Recently, a commencement speech at Stanford University by Steve Jobs who is well-known as the co-founder and CEO of Apple Computer has been attracting attention on the Internet. For about 15 minutes, Jobs gave 3 examples of his own lifetime lessons to deliver certain important messages to his audience. He terminated his speech with a few condensed sentences, “Stay Hungry (Keep looking for what you really love to do), Stay Foolish (Stick at it to achieve it)” This phrase can imply various meanings. Among them is contained the importance of a pioneer’s mind. Anyone is liable to face initial moments of fear when venturing into something new and to question their ability for the task. In the course of the venture, some unexpected obstacles may occur. No matter how harsh these obstacles the will to overcome them comes from within the pioneer’s mind.
    Glancing at the life of Steve Jobs, we know that he founded Apple Computer in his early twenties. After 10 years, he created Macintosh but however, was fired by Apple’s board of directors who selected someone else. Jobs was frustrated because what had been the focus of his entire adult life was gone. However, he did not lose faith. Instead, he listened to his inner voice. As s result, he was able to reassure himself that he was still in love with the work of Apple. This process resulted in him regaining his company and achieving a turnaround.
    It is true that our work is going to fill a large part of our life, and the only way to be truly satisfied with it is to believe in its greatness. The way to produce great work is to love what we do. If we haven’t found it yet, we need to keep looking for it until we do find it. Don’t settle down. Don’t underestimate yourselves. It is one of the best ways for us to live a happy life. Chonnam Tribune would like all CNU students from freshmen to prospective graduates to share these final words.

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