To My Good Friend Chonnam Tribune
    I am really happy to see you again. When I was a freshman, I first met you by chance. At that time, you were very helpful to me, because you are written in English and informed me of special events around CNU. Whenever I read you, I could feel CNU was getting closer and closer to me. Since then, I’ve paid special attention to you.
    In the last issue, for me most of all, Campus News about the firefly festival was the best article. Although I am a junior student, I did not know that the festival is held for dormitory students. While reading it, I came to know the origin of the event name and what happened at it. Another article about the best blood donor in People was also good. If you did not cover the topic, most of us would not know he was one of the great students in CNU. Additionally, I could understand the real meaning of blood donation.
    As we are university students, we are always concerned about learning English. It seems that many CNU students or readers of Chonnam Tribune were interested in the Essay titled “The Iceberg Principle.”
    I propose that “Global Lounge” should discuss not only Europe or America but also Asia especially Southeast Asia. I think it is one of the chances to broaden all our global horizons. I really appreciate that you inform us about particular events or persons that we would otherwise never know. Thank you.

A Mecca of Human Rights, Gwangju has Long Way to Go
    This article is talking about Gwangju’s uprising and the popularity it is gaining. While Gwangju citizens view the uprising as something that everyone knows or should know about, the rest of the world and even the rest of Korea have hardly heard of it. Therefore, these events such as the Gwangju International Peace Camp and the Gwangju Submit of Nobel Peace Laureates are a great chance for Gwangju to make this historical event public. Since all Gwangju citizens probably studied about this event but non-Gwangju citizens don’t know about it, Gwangju needs to do a lot of work in explaining the context on a different level. We cannot treat people with different knowledge level on the subject the same. For example, a PhD student might know his subject much better than a freshman in a university. Therefore, the context needs to be made clear so that the message can come across clearly. There is too little explanation and too much talking about making the city of Gwangju into a Mecca for democracy. These events and the works of the May 18th Memorial Foundation are a wonderful chance, but in my eyes Gwangju is still really far away from being the Mecca of democracy.





















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