2019학년도 총학생회 선거 정책공청회

▲ At a public hearing on the election promises of the presidential candidates for the 2019 General Students Council

    The public hearing of candidates for the 2019 General Student Council (GSC) is taking place from noon on November 15 in front of the Student Union Building #1. The 2019 GSC president candidates Lee Myeong-no (Senior, Faculty of Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) and  Kim Gwang-myeong (Senior, Dept. of History) have answered questions from four press representative questioners, in the sequence of the Yongbong, the Chonnam Tribune, Chonnam National Univeristy Broadcasting System, The Chondae Shinmun. CNU students and authorities, in addition, got together during the hearing and asked the candidates about their policies and fundamental reasons that brought them to the election campaigns. The day of election for the 2019 GSC is next Tuesday, November 20, 2018.




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