외국인 학생들의 이야기

The Chonnam Tribune asked international students for their opinions about Korean culture and campus life at CNU. Let’s listen to what they said.
▲ Oana Mihaela Popa
  What do you think about Korean culture, and especially the Korean costume hanbok?
Oana Mihaela Popa (Romanian), International Affairs and Political Science Major, Departmentof Sociology
: I have been in Korea for four years and a half now. I think that Korean culture is more outstanding than other countries'. I love Korea. The food is great and people are very polite. I always like to admire and try on the traditional Korean costume hanbok. I think that Korean women look beautiful in it. The hanbok is the item of clothing that completely and harmoniously shows Korea's beauty.

By Nguyen Huong, Tribune Reporter

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