전남대, 외국인 학생을 위한 글쓰기 집중 강좌 운영

▲ International students taking the intensive Korean writing class on September 29th, 2014.

    CNU has operated an eight-week intensive Korean writing course for international students starting this semester. This special course is designed to help foreign students develop writing skills in Korean and also adapt to school life at the university. The first lecture was held in room 206 on the second floor the Humanities Building 3 on September 29th. 20 students from China, Japan, France and other countries are learning how to write Korean sentences and paragraphs every Monday and Wednesday, twice a week. Kevin Jasmin (Master’s degree, Dept. of Korean Language and Literature), a student who are taking this class said, “I applied for the writing course by the recommendation of my professor. I believe that I can improve my Korean ability through this class.”


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