제46대 총(여)학생회장 후보 당선


▲ The 46th CNU General Student Council President-Elect(left) and Vice President-Elect

▲ The 46th CNU General Female Student Council President-Elect(left) and Vice President-Elect

     Real Sympathy candidates won the elections for the 2014 General Student Council (GSC) and General Female Student Council (GFSC) on November 28th. The Real Sympathy is the sole candidate for this year’s elections. In order to win the elections, they needed over 50% of the total turnout of voters. Only 53.61 percent of the electorate (8,362 out of 15,597) voted in the election, and 69.27 percent of the voters were in favor of Real Sympathy candidates for the GSC (agree: 5,749, disagree: 1,342, invalid: 1,290, error: 70). For the GFSC, out of 7,849 voters, 4,400 students voted, 55.99% of ballots were agreed for Real Sympathy (agree: 3,496, disagree: 615, invalid: 296, error: 41). Jang Min-gyu (Senior, Division of Forest Resources) and Kim Han-seong (Senior, Dept. of Geography) have beeb elected as 2014 GSC President and Vice President, and Park Yu-mi (Senior, School of Business Administration) and Kim Ji-young (Senior, Division of Animal Science) have been named as 2014 GFSC President and Vice President.

By Kim Hae-in, Student Editor 
Photo by Lim Seon-young, Student Editor


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